Camping What Way is Your Preference? Roughing It In Tents or RV Camping?

Camping With The Family, How Do You Camp? This blog will talk about the pros and cons of Camping in tents, or going the RV route, which has many more options in today's world of camping, hope you enjoy! Many years ago, I only camped in tents, with sleeping bags sleeping on the ground, no air mattress or any other comfortable items for good sleep. But as much as I can remember about those days, they all seem to be memorable and fun. I eventually graduated to a Pop-Up Camper, and then moved up to a 31' Luxury RV Camper. I think I like the latter better as I get older, much to hard on this older body for the tent deal anymore, but all in all over the years, I had fun when ever I did camp, which was at least twice a year or more. In today's world, there are so many options with tents, two, three, four season, along with many different styles and sizes to fit any need that someone would require. Along with the abundance...